View Full Version : lets mix water and gas

22-04-2005, 06:44 PM
there's got to be some blatently obvious reason why this wouldn't work, but if we like to inject water after the IC why not just go ahead and mix it in with the gas? i mean it gets mixed together with the gas in the combustion chamber anyway.. :?

23-04-2005, 12:43 AM
it seems that gasoline is non-polar. still, i think back to when alcohol was being mixed with gas and wonder how it can mix with both gasoline and water.

07-05-2005, 06:01 AM
Ferrari suspended water in their fuel during their 1980?s Formula1 period.

if you mix the water with acetone it will mix with the gas, same works with metho.

I have no idea what it'll do to the engine tho, it will most likely corrode the fuel pump and injectors, and acetone would probably be quite detrememntal to all the seals and oils.