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Old 24-05-2009, 11:03 PM
Howerton Engineering
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Default Re: Tank

Originally Posted by AK_
I also wanted to get some opinions about my tank choice.

Would that type of tank be good? Can you guys think of any downsides to using that tank?

As it says on their website "This tank will prime EVERY TIME without fail because the pump and tank are ALWAYS in the same position and only 1 inch of hose is between the pump and tank!"

Let me know what you guys think.
We have used those tanks quite a bit in the past and have begun to move away from them. The issue with them is they slosh quite a bit due to the design. If you mount it sideways in the car, the fluid just runs up and down the "U" shape as you accelerate and decel. Likewise, if you mount it front to back, the fluid runs side to side in cornering. I'm not sure how you would baffle it as it is quite hard to get anything through the small filler neck. For the customers that have it, our best recommendation is to keep it half full or so to minimize sucking of air into the system.
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