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Old 04-02-2011, 09:40 PM
calebtharrell calebtharrell is offline
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Location: Asheville, NC
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Default HELP! HFS-5 not flowing past 806-244 Fast Acting Valve

I have had the HFS-5 system installed on my 04 STi for over two years and just recently it hasn't been working properly. I thought I had a clogged line or filter so I checked and cleaned everything from the pump to the sprayers. Everything was fine so I manually triggered the system and the Methanol makes it all the way to Fast Acting Valve then will not go any further. I am assuming the valve is triggered by the by the IDC. My guage will hardly ever show any flow but randomly sometimes it will flash one bar for a split second then stop. The conclusion that I have come to is that 1) The Fast Acting Valve is malfunctioning and needs to be replaced or 2) The system is not recognizing the IDC so the vavle isn't being opened. Does anyone have an idea that could help me figure out if it's one or the other or even possibly something else.
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