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Old 26-06-2012, 11:06 AM
fplucid fplucid is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Moscow
Posts: 32
Default Re: FCM Problem

Richard, I repeat again that this kit was bought in sealed box, means new, from ebay. When I bought it I had no idea that it is discontinued or I can purchase it directly from manufacturer.
This kit replaced my AEM kit which was working ok, but I was recommended to change it and try aquamist. I've spend over 1k$ for purchasing, handling and shipping hfs-6 and the only thing I want is to get it work. I'm not asking for repair/exchange, because I understand this is my mistake. I can't return it to seller, because already more than 2 month passed when I'm trying to make it work.

I've stated out that board has several problems, but you're reading between the lines. I'm not trying to do multiple thigs at same time, I think all of them are connected

1) there is NO ground coming to blue cable. Never. Always +12V
2) Orange led on yellow connector don't lit under TST mode (but it should according to the manual). It is only blinking accordingly to rpm, when engine is running.
3) gauge connector wire layout doesn't correspond to the one stated out in manual. Absolutely different
4) RJ45 female sockets on main board are crap. They are loosing connection all the time if you move connector a bit (same thing with oem & re-made connectors). I can't figure out which one is causing problem. Don't warry for the RJ45 connectors itself. I think I've made many more that thousands of these during my life.
5) what does this strange wire doing on PCB? should it be there? Why do such things have place on high-quality PCB?

Richard, sorry, I really don't want to argue, but I've spend huge bunch of time with this really behaving strangely thing, and I'm really pissed off. Thank you for assisting with trying to find out what the reason is, I don't want to spend a minute more trying to bring alive the kit with bugs.

Topic now can be closed.
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