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Old 13-08-2013, 07:01 AM
mrx79 mrx79 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 34
Default Re: A few questions concerning preTurbo water injection

thanks very much. Meth is on the way to me and i will test it as soon as it arrives.

I also have one question i was wondering about.
In the beginning i was worrying that my water mist could recondensate in the intercooler and then kept in the end tank of the intercooler.

But after a full tank i removed the IC and checked, there where no sign of water in it.

Do you think, that all water kept vaporized until the air/water mix reaches the cylinder?
What if 100% humidity is reached before all water is vaporized in the compressor (can that actualy happen?) will the rest be transported in the cylinder and vaporize there under pressure?

so basicaly the question is, how much a in cylinder effect (cleaning, knock supression, further charge cooling, retarding of the burn process) could i expect when injecting pre-turbo?

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