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Old 22-09-2014, 01:35 PM
parmas parmas is offline
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Default Tuning W/I via Humidity Sensors

Hello All,

I am trying to find which is the best method to know exactly when enough is enough.

We all should know that injecting extra water more than it "should", would cause the Air Temperature to increase dramatically due to loosing the liquid to gas effect.

This point is called the DEW point where the air could not hold any more water cause 100% relative humidity has been reached. Above this point the effect is not produced anymore but instead water now being formed around the intake plenum and pipes due to condensation.

Now I was thinking that if a Humidity sensor/transducer is installed into the plenum, the tuner could understand how much humidity is actually under going when water is being injected thus being able to stop at about less than 95% humidity to be safe.

What do the experts think about this idea?

Last edited by parmas; 22-09-2014 at 01:38 PM.
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