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Old 27-07-2005, 07:21 AM
JohnA JohnA is offline
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Posts: 352

Originally Posted by vaughany
cheers mate, need to think about how i can monitor the W.I - ERL do a display kit ont they that monitors what pressure it sprays at lets you know that it is spraying (no blocked jets, pump failure)
that little gizmo measures FLOW, not pressure.
I think that the output is 0-5V, just like most sensors, so you could use one of several commercial gauges for cabin display.

I don't think that linking it to Knock events would do much good. For one if it starts knocking it's a bit late. Then how would a blocked nozzle help with knocking anyway?
It's best to have the ECU automatically using a 'safe' map once the W.I. flow drops below a certain level (when activated ofcourse!)

You can push the detonation boundaries really far with water/methanol injection, I managed peaks of 30psi on my Calibra, with most mechanical parts standard, and on super unleaded. Most people would see sudden detonation at levels over 22psi --- and I backed off mainly because I lost my nerve, not because I had signs of det.

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