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Old 08-03-2006, 08:56 AM
rarson rarson is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 18

I wish I had read this thread earlier.

I would like to try an H2O2 setup. I can't see running it being much more of a problem than running water. The real problem is going to be simply storing it so that it doesn't give up those extra oxygen molecules. I also haven't located any sources yet (I've yet to even try) but I've been told you can get "food grade" h2o2 relatively cheap, which is 60%.

I'm thinking the net result of adding H2O2 to the combustion chamber will be an immediate release of the extra oxgyen, and the resulting water flashing to steam... a nice combination of the two things we're trying to accomplish (add oxgyen and further expansion). I'd be injecting it as close to the head as possible.

I wanted to try a dual setup, pre-turbo water with meth injection at the TB. Now I'm thinking of doing direct-port H2O2 instead of the meth. It'll certainly be easier and probably cheaper to get H2O2. My goal is to eliminate the intercooler.

For the pre-compressor setup, I plan on building a tank to store in the engine bay. That way, the tank will be at ambient engine bay temps, pretty warm, and should give better atomization.

There is a wealth of information nuggets in this thread and a lot of stuff I either didn't know or hadn't considered before. I hope we can keep the discussion going. As far as the superoxygenated water goes, it certainly makes sense to me to pressurize the tank with oxygen, but only if it's a cost-effective solution (which it probably isn't) because I think it's been shown it won't make too much of a difference.
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