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Old 04-03-2007, 05:44 PM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: bump and update

Originally Posted by hotrod

Just a bump for a interesting article, and curious about the current state of affairs for WI in major racing organizations.

Have there been any interesting rumors, or rules changes you've heard about recently?

I am afraid no sign of FIA changing their mind. Now none of the FIA gonvered motorsport category can use water injection, for the first time in history. Water injection's effectiveness to enable clean emission has been quashed by a bunched of ill-informed rule makers for no good reasons.

I have attended a few meetings entitle "green motorsport" etc, but it was only a public relationship exercise, lot of hot air and no action.
The meeting was just a marketing tool for car makers to show-boating their engine technology.

When I put my hand up during the debate, commenting about water injection's effectiveness, asked if FIA will ever lift the ban. I got the impression that I was wasting everyone time on this old and run-down technology. Ignorance is bliss.

I stopped attending those venues. It appeared that politics overrule common sense.
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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