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Old 22-03-2016, 12:38 PM
Cursed Cursed is offline
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Default 2C System With DDS2 Wiring

Hi All,

I have a 2C system running on my car with a DDS2 flow meter. I've been told by the previous owner that there is a failsafe that will pull timing and add fuel, which I can't see in any settings within the ECU. I have an aftermarket ECU which controls the HSV (solenoid). Trying to get my head around this, I don't think any such measure has been taken and I don't think any failsafe is currently active.

I've read lots about the failsafe system that the DDS2 has but can't figure out how its actually wired to work.

I've been looking at wiring the DDS2 such that when flow is insufficient, it cuts the EBC and reduces boost to spring boost setting. Do I need to buy a N/C relay and N/C water pressure switch and wire that in to the DDS2 junction box (red & blue), tapping that +12v to power the boost controller? Therefore when fault is triggers, contacts will open and boost controller will be turned off, reducing boost to spring pressure? It makes sense in my head but I'm not great at wiring so any help would be greatly appreciated.

On a second note, does the DDS2 monitor flow accross the whole range and will the failsafe work at any flow rate, or only at max flow? My understanding is that the DDS2 compares actual flow rate to desired flow rate (duty cycle sent from ECU) so should work accross any range?
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Old 23-05-2016, 04:07 PM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: 2C System With DDS2 Wiring

Richard L
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