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Old 28-06-2004, 01:21 AM
Serge Serge is offline
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Default Nitrous and WI; jet positioning?

Hi everyone,

I'll be running a Aquamist 1s system soon on my modified Toyota EP91 turbo with 50bhp single wet fogger NOS system (fuel jet and nos jet just before throttle body).

Here's my complete setup:

I was wondering what would be the best position for the WI jet, before or after the Nos jet? The nitrous cryo effects will have their effect on the atomized water droplets, I assume.

Any ideas and experiences?


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Old 28-06-2004, 03:34 AM
hotrod hotrod is offline
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I have not seen any solid tests done to determine which would be best, but would be inclined to put the water injection first, as far ahead of the Nitrous nozzle as practical.

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Old 28-06-2004, 10:08 AM
Serge Serge is offline
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Thanks Larry,

Could you please expand a bit on your reasoning for this?

Thanks again,

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Old 28-06-2004, 11:32 AM
hotrod hotrod is offline
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Default temp and humidity

Water injection provides most of its charge air cooling by evaporation. This is most effective when the air is warm. The Nitrous will cool the air charge something like 70 deg F ( 39 deg C). This would pretty much eliminate any evaporation of the water, and reduction in dropplet size. The Nitrous jet will also help mix the water mist with the air stream I would think.

It just seems more logical to me to get the evaporative cooling while you can to add to what cooling the very cold Nitrous will give you.

You also want the liquid water dropplets to have time to dispurse uniformly so you don't have significant differences in water delivered to the cylinders. It seems to me it, will be easier for the Nitrous and the very fine mist of fuel from the spray nozzle to disperse than it will the water mist.

There is also a slight risk of icing of the water injection nozzle if it very close down stream from the Nitrous injection point. That would be very unhealthy for the engine if you are depending on the detonation resistance provided by the water injection.

It would be interesting to see a comparison of several different injection locations for each, but I am not aware of anyone who has published such a test.

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Old 28-06-2004, 11:27 PM
Serge Serge is offline
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Thank bro,

appreciate the insight,

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Old 11-01-2007, 02:13 PM
T.F.S. T.F.S. is offline
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i dont see any reason to use WI with the nitrous....

the nitrous is -128 degree liquid and you will not cool the intake charge any more by pumping water into it
ignorance is bliss
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Old 15-01-2007, 11:06 AM
JohnA JohnA is offline
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What is not obvious from Hotrod's post is the low priority that charge cooling has in the context of WI usage. With a good intercooler this chargecooling effect could be insignificant, especially in the winter.

I only see it as a minor side-effect. The main reason to use WI is in-cylinder cooling.
As Nitrous Oxide increases cyl pressures, there may well be room for both. It does need proper testing to reach any figures though.


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Old 02-07-2007, 04:22 AM
Dust Dust is offline
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totally off-topic, but I keep seeing those cars here in Japan, and was wondering if there was a website to learn some about them in English. Thanks for the webpage.
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Old 02-07-2007, 07:14 PM
keithmac keithmac is offline
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It depends on what your main objective is for the WI, if it`s purely knock control I`ve found near-port water injection is best, also depends what type of inlet manifold you have. I couldn`t get your link to work to have a look.
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