Potassium permanganate
Ok, I was working in our Lab the other day and happen to come across container with potassium permanganate. First what hit me is a recollection of the fun we use to have when we as kids used to mix potassium permanganate with titanium powder and ignite it. The result is spectacular burning of metal due to oxidizing properties of potassium permanganate.
My second thought was more constrictive, what about adding potassium permanganate to the WI water storage container???? It is highly soluble and can be easily purchased in drug store. Chemical formula: KMnO4 ? contains four molecules of oxygen!
Water solution of this chemical is unstable and will easily oxidize, this is why it such a good disinfector and used in medicine. Formula known to brake in the heat and under the sun. So you will have to use the mix, I would guess, with in 24-48 hours.
The only concern is if it is compatible with methanol. It may start a violent reaction if added in the alcohol mixture ? need to look at the formulas.
Spraying this mixture in to the combustion cylinder should have the same effect as using hydrogen peroxide?.