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Old 19-11-2011, 09:01 PM
dsm1gb dsm1gb is offline
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Default What exactly is Tephra alt-map fail safe

I have just purchased the aquamist hsf-3,and I am wondering what exactly the tephra alt map fail safe is, and how it works. Since I am using a manual boost controller, I see no way in using the boost cut fail safe method, unless I switch back to stock boost utilizing the stock boost control solenoid.

Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
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Old 20-11-2011, 01:10 AM
Howerton Engineering
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Default Re: What exactly is Tephra alt-map fail safe

It's a flash for the EVO ECU that allows the ECU to run two fueling/ignition maps. The maps can be switched between by the Aquamist failsafe when tied together correctly.
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Old 20-11-2011, 07:08 PM
dsm1gb dsm1gb is offline
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Default Re: What exactly is Tephra alt-map fail safe

Thank you, so I have evo scan,and ecu flash on my evo ix, So I just download the map, and i'm good to go if wired correctly?
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Old 20-11-2011, 07:12 PM
Howerton Engineering
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Default Re: What exactly is Tephra alt-map fail safe

I'm not the authority on it. But if you have the Tephra mod on the ECU already, then there's a pin(or position) on the ECU set for the map changing. You may have to insert a pin in the location. Then, the 0/5V map switching wire from the Aquamist failsafe gets tied to this pin.
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Old 20-11-2011, 09:54 PM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: What exactly is Tephra alt-map fail safe

Tephra can be contacted on the evolutionM forum:

Tephra has the abililty to access and create tables and maps on EVO8, 9 and X. The switching of an alterative map is activated via an unallocated pin on the factory ECU. On the X, he overrides and existing pin intended for reading tank temperature (note: on the X, US, J and EUDM ECU pinout variations applies).

He is one very cleaver guy, Cobb has put him under their payroll but you can still get his patch free, just send him your ECU info and he will workout the ROM location for you. Most people (non trader) just sends him a small donation for him to reward his effort. Completely optional.

The HFS-3 can interface with his patch, reducing boost (any level) and alter timing when failsafe is activated.
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 21-11-2011, 07:05 PM
dsm1gb dsm1gb is offline
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Default Re: What exactly is Tephra alt-map fail safe

Thank you for the help!
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