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Old 25-10-2003, 03:34 PM
MapMaker50 MapMaker50 is offline
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Thank you for your reply, I am now convienced that front interccoler spray does work.

0.8 second is a big increase in power in terms of 1/4 mile time. I expect it was a very hot day and you must have used quite a bit of water to have such good results.

The Autopspeed system seemed to be a good add-on for racing applictaions.
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Old 25-10-2003, 11:27 PM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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It will be very interesting when you have recorded some data from the temperature probe. I look forward to seeing it especially when you switch the WAI off.

I suspect you use alcohol instead of water form two reasons? cooling and fuel supplement?

The position of the temperature may not be as ideal due to the closeness of the un-eveporated liqiud, it may read closer to the ambient temperature of the liquid rather the combined temperature of the part-evaporated liquid and air coming out of the supercharger.

When you conduct further tests later with the probe nearer to the intake manifold, it will also have interest results compared to the previous position. I wonder if you couls post a picture of the engine bay so we can see the where everything is located.

We have supplied jackson/WI to many Jackson/Miata S/C kits and we rarely get any feedback.
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 29-10-2003, 08:48 PM
bigblockcrx bigblockcrx is offline
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Default When this gain was recorded was the boost or timing changed?

Originally Posted by MapMaker50

Thank you for your reply, I am now convienced that front interccoler spray does work.

0.8 second is a big increase in power in terms of 1/4 mile time. I expect it was a very hot day and you must have used quite a bit of water to have such good results.

The Autopspeed system seemed to be a good add-on for racing applictaions.
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Old 31-10-2003, 06:32 AM
AKWRX AKWRX is offline
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Originally Posted by Richard L
I suspect you use alcohol instead of water form two reasons? cooling and fuel supplement?

The position of the temperature may not be as ideal due to the closeness of the un-evaporated liqiud, it may read closer to the ambient temperature of the liquid rather the combined temperature of the part-evaporated liquid and air coming out of the supercharger.

When you conduct further tests later with the probe nearer to the intake manifold, it will also have interest results compared to the previous position. I wonder if you could post a picture of the engine bay so we can see the where everything is located.
Correct, the use of alcohol injection (actually about 85% methanol/15% water) instead of an IC, is only a part of the purpose. 92 octane pump gas will be used, so the alcohol, depending on how much is injected, should also raise the knock threshold to the equivalent of at least 100-104 octane. That is based on past experience with alcohol injection on a WRX. And, it will allow a much more agressive tune, with more boost, ignition advance, and leaner A/F. With a very agressive tune (up to 23psi boost, and 30+ degrees advance), the WRX has consistantly shown 60-90F cooler EGT at WOT. All these additional pluses should be reasonable expectations with the Honda JRSC, too.

The JRSC has a single port for WI in the intake manifold (very near the temp probe position). This install has that supplied port closed off, and two injection nozzles (HAGO #3s) positioned to be equi-distant between the #1-2 and #3-4 intake runners. There are lots of pictures, but not sorted out yet. Have had some siphoning issues because the tank is mounted above the nozzles. Waiting for a solenoid controlled shutoff valve (similar to a NOS purge valve) to arrive to be installed on the output line and wired to open only when the injection pump is on. There are other optional locations for a temp probe that can be explored if the present location doesn't seem to give representative temp info. All the Hondata programming features are not activated as yet, either. We'll see how things progress in the next few days...
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Old 25-11-2003, 02:25 AM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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A few weeks ago I have received a few pictures from a 9.5L 1300whp twin-turbo Trans Am owner, he has actually replaced his intercooler with water injection. He has gained a few degrees of advance, 2 psi and good reduction of inlet air and egt.

The car can now be use on the street anytime, anywhere and any months of the year without over-heating. He has retained the same power ( not full tuned yet) up to now with water injection - due to lack of time before attending the last drag meeting of the year (tthree weeks ago )- he won on street tyres at low 9s.

Here are the pictures he sent me: before, after and during - he used no less than five jets !!!



Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 28-11-2003, 11:00 PM
Sato Sato is offline
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Originally Posted by MapMaker50

Thank you for your reply, I am now convienced that front interccoler spray does work.

0.8 second is a big increase in power in terms of 1/4 mile time. I expect it was a very hot day and you must have used quite a bit of water to have such good results.

The Autopspeed system seemed to be a good add-on for racing applictaions.
While I'm sure spraying the intercooler does work I have tried something different. At the advice of Mr. Spear of Spearco I added fans to my intercooler. The reason? I didn't want to cut up my Dodge Omni Glhs to put in a bigger IC. I use 2 SPAL fans on the intercooler + Aquamist injection [1mm jet] with their base system with 1/3 methanol + 2/3 distilled water sprayed after the intercooler. At the dyno the IC only gets alittle warm . Others with a simular setup as mine with no fans you could fry an egg on them!!
Just a thought,
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Old 23-12-2004, 06:06 AM
bluto2000gs bluto2000gs is offline
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Hi I am new to this forum.
There are guys with the 3.8L engines powered by an Eaton Super Charger using water kits to avoid the hefty $1200 USD cost for a liquid to air intercooler. The intercooler mounts between the intake manifold and the blower.

But now guys are starting to spray Alky/water before the throttle body. This is working. There are guys reducing pulley size and elliminating KR.
There is controversy. Many claim it ruins the teflon coating on the rotors in the S/C. Other say the coating comes off anyway.

Some think the manufacturers of the intercoolers say that alky is bad so they don't loose IC sales.

I just ordered an alky kit and plan to run a smaller pulley with no KR.
I hope it works.
2000 Regal
3.8 V6 SuperCharged
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Old 01-06-2005, 01:33 PM
keithmac keithmac is offline
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I`ll be using WI instead of an Intercooler, at the moment I`ve got the charger in but can`t hit WOT at high revs due to knock, will see what happens after the water injection is installed, AFR seems to be ok at around 13:1.
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Old 30-09-2005, 10:09 PM
M45 M45 is offline
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Cool thread!

I have chosen water injection over an intercooler on my miata/mx5. I have the jackson racing SC on a mk2 1999 1.6 (yup we got one in the uk)
Ive just had it dyno'd for a 'before and after WI' comparison.

I got 170.2 bhp and 135lb/ft torque @ 7psi with no intercooler. AFR 10.5! Dumping like mad! (flywheel HP)

I'm having it dyno'd again soon but need to fine tune the water injection. I didnt go in through the port in the JRSC throttle body as the thread was too deep for the AM nozzle - would have affected the spray pattern. I went in a couple of inches to the right of this spot. Nice and flush!

I'll get some graphs on here if anyone is still interested? It feels like its making no more power on just water. I'm going to lean up to about 11.5 and see how far I can knock back the JR BTC then maybe even buy the CAS bracket and advance a bit. I'm at 10 BTDC now would like to take it up to 14 BTDC or maybe even higher. Need to find more info on Methanol / additives.

Great Forum!!

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Old 15-03-2006, 12:33 AM
Dan Dan is offline
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Originally Posted by Richard L
A few weeks ago I have received a few pictures from a 9.5L 1300whp twin-turbo Trans Am owner, he has actually replaced his intercooler with water injection. He has gained a few degrees of advance, 2 psi and good reduction of inlet air and egt.

The car can now be use on the street anytime, anywhere and any months of the year without over-heating. He has retained the same power ( not full tuned yet) up to now with water injection - due to lack of time before attending the last drag meeting of the year (tthree weeks ago )- he won on street tyres at low 9s.

Here are the pictures he sent me: before, after and during - he used no less than five jets !!!



Wow that is pretty impressive.
Rotrex Supercharged Civic Type-R 405HP Water/Methanol Injection
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