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Old 26-04-2006, 08:30 AM
GregLeBon GregLeBon is offline
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Default WI in front of a Roots SC...?

Im currently using a WI setup to replace my IC in a MK1 MR2 AE101 conversion.
Its working great but I cant help feeling that I could improve things further by injecting water before the SC, so it is "pre-cooled" (emulating driving early in the morning..).

Would there be any issues with damage to the rotors, general SC corrosion, etc?

BTW, I have a Roots blower, giving approx 10-12psi, I live in the UK, use 97-99 octane fuel, and am using a 100% water spray.

Any comments..?
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Old 11-05-2006, 10:32 AM
bp18t bp18t is offline
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Have used WI in front of a SC12 no negative effects so for (About a year), essentially decreases the clearences in the rotors and creates more psi hence more power. also seemed to cool the rotors and keeps the teflon from melting at high boost.
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Old 06-07-2006, 06:59 PM
witte reus witte reus is offline
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Default Rootsblower in 4A-GZE


I'm new here but read trough a lot of threads here.

bp18t; I don't want to put you down but I think you mean that through the water mist the intake air is denser en that is what makes the SC work more efficient and make more psi.
The rest I can only agree on!!!

I'm installing a home build system shortly on my SC blown 4A-GZE 1.6 16V toyota engine.. :wink:
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Old 07-08-2007, 12:18 PM
witte reus witte reus is offline
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Build the system en tested it!!

No signifecant changes in engine behaviour. :?

I learnt that a rootsblower doesn't heat up the air as much as an turbo will. Maybe I did not inject enough water or even to much. I will post the flow of the injectors shortley.

in a few months I will have an turbo charger AND the rootsblower with WI in front of the turbo, after the intercooler and in the plenium.

I will post my experience with WI on the twincharger!! :wink:
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