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Old 05-06-2018, 05:18 PM
dlheman dlheman is offline
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Very nice!

Is that the higher flowing FAV?
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Old 13-06-2018, 07:32 AM
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Yeah it is.
For the RX7 we have an upgraded system with same valve set up and larger pump, and some more locations. No wholesale increases in power as it limited by the turbocharger just some refinement and keeping on the pioneering work of having the ONLY durable hi powered true road going rotaries in the world
RICESP > F40 > Zonda > ZR1
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Old 14-06-2018, 08:42 AM
dlheman dlheman is offline
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Looking great mate.

Truly inspiring!
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Old 26-11-2018, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Originally Posted by dlheman View Post
Looking great mate.

Truly inspiring!
Even more inspiring is they still go = durability.
The R34 is close enough or more than the ever quoted willy nilly ~1000bhp mark, and the RX7 is at least as fast and according to the owner actually faster, he is a performance agnostic so no vested interests here, just facts.

Below is a direct comparison within a few days of each other.
Please note, my actual physical power measure is factual, to give it some context a turbo Lotus I put on a Mainline chassis dyno through the tires will make about 420rwhp and on my measure will do 380rwhp, so make of the figures what you will I don't care for dyno racing pissing contests too many bullshit figures out there and lets not even talk about BS American standards on hype/guess machines they use !

Regardless, measure the acceleration at 200kph and compare them and you quickly separate the hype from reality......

RX7 on the left, R34 GTR on the right. Both cars stupidly fast both still running WM50 FTMFW! For those that are technically minded, same turbo on each car, both well exceeding the listed turbo upper speed limit (we establish our own through testing). Rotary engine does about 90bhp/lt/bar and piston around 100bhp/lt/bar. Turbo is a balance of decent power but with true road going ability as proven below.

RICESP > F40 > Zonda > ZR1
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Last edited by RICE RACING; 27-11-2018 at 08:55 AM.
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Old 31-12-2018, 02:14 PM
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?


Too much power with WM50, means you need the best electronic control and calibration to match
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Old 01-01-2019, 05:41 AM
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Though I would put together a little bit of real knowledge gained over the years, this is but a small sample I have (know a bit about rotaries lol).... lots of it is pertinent to any engine really though, specially those piston engine types who try to imitate rotary idle characteristics with big cams

Some of it is of relevance in that you can go 'too big' and end up with an engine that is overly sensitive to map/tip ratio, also one that is peaky and generally a shitbox overall in every category, narrow power band, excessive fuel use, not as drivable etc.
RICESP > F40 > Zonda > ZR1
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Old 22-03-2019, 03:50 PM
sambeeb sambeeb is offline
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Just getting back on the site after being out of the loop for a while. In the past, I know you were a big advocate for pre compressor injection , but I cant see it on either of these cars. Of course there's every chance I haven't been able to pick it up in the pics and it is there. So just wondering if you've changed tack a bit with regards to the best injection points?
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Old 03-06-2019, 05:21 AM
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Lightbulb Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Originally Posted by sambeeb View Post
Just getting back on the site after being out of the loop for a while. In the past, I know you were a big advocate for pre compressor injection , but I cant see it on either of these cars. Of course there's every chance I haven't been able to pick it up in the pics and it is there. So just wondering if you've changed tack a bit with regards to the best injection points?
Used allot of different set ups and each application is unique in what it requires for the optimal result. What is best as to location? I am not smart enough to answer that as the more I know the more I realize how little I knew. I've tried allot of systems and points to administer the WM50, currently the ones pictured above are what I generally use.
RICESP > F40 > Zonda > ZR1
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Old 20-11-2019, 04:22 AM
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Lightbulb Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Injection mixtures?


There is so much miss information 'out there' not just the obvious comment of the internet age but even the 'empty vessel' types that make allot of noise and not much action, been the same over the years only the preferred medium of communication has changed a bit

In short click the link above and learn a bit about how basics of combustion and engines work, then think a little more about measurement, we have all fallen for the hype and in some cases years of using the wrong types of sensors and equipment, having led us all down the garden path.

The humble EGT probe is a device not used by many, when employed its poorly understood and utilized, even by the companies who make them! (as I have found out).
RICESP > F40 > Zonda > ZR1
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Old 20-11-2019, 12:49 PM
HenryM HenryM is offline
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Default Re: RX7 rotary power, meth or water?

Originally Posted by RICE RACING View Post
Fit for purpose solution below, car is fast, reliable, and durable

I noticed there are lots of air bubbles in the lines.
Do they go away after some time or is it normal with direct port setup?
Also, I'm curious how the nozzles hold up against high engine heat.


Last edited by HenryM; 20-11-2019 at 12:51 PM.
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