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Old 11-06-2018, 08:14 AM
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Default Re: WMI tuning and results Part 2

Originally Posted by robos4 View Post

I also have checkvalves and the lines dry up fast, I put it down to evaporatin in the line when in traffic/hot engine and parked - not from the vacuum sucking it through (I live in Singapore where we also see >55deg AIT too). I have to give it some load to start spraying and purge the lines with Water/meth before I can go WOT often.

thanks for your responses.

I will check with customer, I do see sometimes on initial hit that the water flow rate is about 30% higher than all other times, could be filling in the space (since air is easily compressed) in the lines as what happens with you?. For my set ups though I don't see the end effect as the car runs the ECU's I keep on talking about and they auto correct for these errors so the final result in fuel mixture is always in spec to what I want to see.

I'll look into it further and let you know what I find, it does send the lambda slightly leaner

p.s. Here is what I mean, but its not a massive error due to the super fast CLL control of the ECU, I can imagine though its allot more of an issue in other set ups though.
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