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Old 14-06-2010, 06:33 PM
playback playback is offline
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Exclamation HFS3 initial setup query post install

Got the kit installed this weekend but had no time to try tune it.It's the kit specifically for the VW/Ausi FSI system and I am using it on my K04 G5 GTI DSG. I am also using twin 0.7mm nozzles with a single 0.9mm valve. I know I am being quite vauge but think you will get the just of what I am trying to say.

The light(inside the controller) showing the injector on does flash quite fast and as you increase the revs it flashes faster until it looks solid and glows bright. So looks like it is working.

The small on off gauge is currently installed and the main flow gauge is on order for next months update.

The gauge is orange and then glows green once ready and is solid.

However even at 26psi boost it doesn't flash at all so am hoping it just needs tweaking ?

Any thoughts ?
I presume it is not injecting anything yet ?

On Wednesday we have a public holiday here in S.A. so will take her on the road and get her tuned up if possible.

Is it just not kicking in due to having the default settings and need to make the settings more aggresive ?
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Old 15-06-2010, 03:46 PM
playback playback is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

Nobody ? Anything ?
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Old 15-06-2010, 06:27 PM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

Hello playback,

I can only work on the technical support before work and after work as work is extremely busy. I was unable to access the forum.

Can you confirm where S.A is? Can you tell me if you have Modified [dioopne] any links on the underside of the circuit board?
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 16-06-2010, 05:40 AM
playback playback is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

SA is South Africa where the world cup is being held

Sorry but I am not sure what you mean by "(dioopne) any links on the underside"
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Old 16-06-2010, 08:02 AM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

My bad typing. Modified was the word I tried to type. S.A, it is.

Have you contacted pregga or preggie? Both of them have some experience with this car as I try to work it through with them.

For direction system, you need to use the yello wand red wire of the grey connector and link PWM+ to PWM- at the bottom of the circuit board.
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 18-06-2010, 05:09 AM
playback playback is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

They are actually my tuners from RFC and I used there recommended installer.

It might be working fine. But havn't had a chance to check it yet. Car will hopefully be at there shop on the weekend and they can check it out then.

A boost pipe came off in the meantime so they will instakk a new longer one and can check injection at the same time
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Old 18-06-2010, 09:06 AM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

May be send me a picture of the undwrside of the circuit board and see if thay have configured the system correctly. Different models of direct-injection car has many variations feven from the same manufacturer.

Can you tell me the volatge reading of test pin16 at idle, cruising and WOT. Simple voltage test would be seeing a voltage spike when blipping the throttle.

Ask the shop to contact via email richard@aquamist.co.uk Unfornately I am away this weekend.
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 24-06-2010, 07:42 PM
playback playback is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

Thanks for the pointers.

I will finally be installing my problomatic pipe on Saturday morning and afterwards will be doing my W/I test and setup.

Will let you know how it goes ........I'm not excited but it's only 2 more sleeps
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Old 25-06-2010, 11:40 AM
Richard L Richard L is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

I look forward to your update.
Richard L
aquamist technical support
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Old 26-06-2010, 06:19 PM
playback playback is offline
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Default Re: HFS3 initial setup query post install

So back home...It's been a loooong day. A 1hr job turned into an all day. Was meant to just install new pre throttle body pipe and then start setting up water install.

8am..Drive to mates house. 9am have everything stripped . 10am...many swear words and new pipe installed.Test water system before on throttle pipe using jumpers as decribed to prime pump but not disconnecting the 6mm hose before the ......thingie goes tpo the small cable
No joy... Pump doesn't seem to do anything. Light does green on dash but does not blink.
Then jumpers back to stock.Tried full anti clock on threshold and full clock on gain setting still nothing even if car if blipped light does not flicker gauge or board .

Got tired so plugged it all together filled up with straight water.

Try start car again and find battery so flat car doesn't even start to swing :roll:

11am move pipe to stop hitting cooling fans ....nothing heavey duty cable ties can't do

1am ... Battery finished charging and went for a test drive with pump off.
No problems, pipes not working loose no annomolies so getting happier

2pm. Went logging. pump off. Ambient was 27c intake temp 39c . 12c above ambient. Not too bad without meth. Max timing pull -7.5c.

Turned on pump stock 12oclock both threshold and gain. 2 runs and light on dash does not blink.

Couple more runs and finally once threshhold at full anti clock and gain on full clock only rougly at 17-18psi does dash light kick in and strat flashing green ...yay

After many runs doesn't use much water but it is going down though.

Logs on final run .Ambient still 27c. Intake 31c so 4 degrees above ambient. Getting there :roll: Timing still pulling -3 at max so better but obviously not great.

Unfortunately I am away tomorrow but will try prime the pump again next weekend but doubt it will make a diffeance think it does have water and is primed. Just doesn't seem to be adjusting the way I expected. My mate with same K04 setup and this kit also same installer has his setup on 11am threshold and 2pm for gain.

I don't think this is a Aquamist problem but more likley something not correct on the original install that was done even though the installer has done many W/I installs and one hfs3 already. :cry:

Just wish I could get it to work correctly...Just need time I guess.:cry:
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