View Full Version : SC trimmer not working?

02-12-2012, 11:47 AM
Hi There,

I have a HFS-3 fitted to a turbo rotary that runs on lpg, i purchased the system way back in 2010 from Howerton engineering when they were first released, S/N 10004 anyway i fitted it to the car and all was good, for the last year or so i have had my boost turned right down and therefore the HFS-3 hasn't been trigered, though i have recently turned the boost back up and the hfs-3 has been spraying (did the windscreen test) but the low water led was coming on, i thought the failsafe was being triggered even though i don't have the solonoid setup. I followed the details on http://howertonengineering.com/tech-info/setting-the-dds3-failsafe/ but i found when i have the system jumped so it is flowing at 100% no matter where i have the SC pot set, i can't get any bars to light up, and the yellow light is on. I tried disconecting the water level sesnsor in the tank but it didn't make a difference. The S lights up to indicate that there is a flow sensor. Any thoughts on the topic would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance



Richard L
02-12-2012, 02:40 PM
There might be some debris lodged inside the flow sensor stop the turbine from spinning. Can you disassemble the sensor and give it a good clean. You need a 1/4" flat blade screw driver. Don't force it if one end of the turbine holder is too tight.