View Full Version : MPS trigger issue

03-11-2015, 04:40 AM
I installed my system and am configuring it. When I set the trigger as MPS the THRES light instantly comes on and if I turn the gauge on both yellow lights come on and stay on. In addition the pump actives but doesn't spray when the gauge is turned on. It's configured for a 3/3.5 bar MAP since I have a 3bar sensor. I've checked the voltage on the blue wire(MPS wire) and it's ~1.65v at atmospheric. The system works fine with a IDC trigger so I think I don't have something configured right to get the MPS mode working. Am I missing something or do I have a different issue.


Richard L
03-11-2015, 07:30 AM
Can you take a Hi-res picture of underside of the circuit board, like to check the configuration - also the serial number of the controller. send it to richard (at) aquamist.co.uk